ปริญญาใจ - ศิริพร อำไพพงษ์ | Siriporn Ampaipong

Dị̂ ḥạk kạb x̂āy h̄emụ̄xn cı dị̂ priỵỵā
Chīwit p̄hū̂ s̄āw b̂ānnā wutʹhi kār ṣ̄ụks̄ʹā mī n̂xy
K̄hād xokās̄ reīyn pherāa cn pĕn khn leụ̄̀xnlxy
Chokh dī mī x̂āy f̄êākhxy h̄yạd yụ̄n h̄ı̂ xokās̄ cı

Yìng khb yìng kıl̂ mạ̀ncı x̂āy pĕn khn dī
Yām cĕb yām cĥả chīwī n̂xng mī x̂āy khxy dụng wị̂
Pĕn phī̀ yām tĥx Pĕn ph̀x yām n̂xng h̄wạ̀nh̄ịw
Yām p̀wy f̄êā dūlæ cı x̂āy khụ̄x p̄hū̂ h̄ı̂ reụ̄̀xy mā

Būchā x̂āy pĕn ph̀x phra nı cı
Cheụ̄̀x h̄ịm cheụ̄̀xcı x̂āy thuk welā
D̂xy xokās̄ reīyn dị̂ rạk cāk x̂āy thæn kh̀ā
K̄hxbkhuṇ s̄wrrkh̒ mettā prathān x̂āy māyā cı

Dị̂ ḥạk kạb x̂āy h̄emụ̄xn cı dị̂ priỵỵā
N̂xng xyū̀ yụ̄n s̄ū̂ chīwā pherāaẁā x̂āy pū thāng wị̂
Cạb mụ̄x prakhxng k̄hxr̂xng xỳā dị̂ pelī̀yn pị
X̂āy khụ̄x priỵỵā cı n̂xng cụng yîm dị̂ wạn nī̂


Hug was the lunar like the degree.
Na Young Life Education is minimal.
Lack of opportunity because it is metaphysical.
Lucky wakefulness are shy tenfold to chance it.

The closer the relationship , ensuring embarrassed as well.
I hurt when I have embarrassed pulling a U bruising .
I was discouraged when I moved father guards
Blackie is a guard guarding the patient progresses .

Lunar worship the Father in mind.
Believe every lunar trust
Disadvantaged students have the love of a rather shy .
Thank heaven hath mercy shame lily.

Hug was the lunar like the degree.
I was standing against Chivas because Blackie laid .
Hand holding pleads not be changed.
Blackie 's heart is so I can smile today.

(Repeat )


ยามเจ็บ ยามช้ำชีวีน้องมีอ้ายคอยดึงไว้
เป็นพี่ยามท้อ เป็นพ่อยามน้องหวั่นไหว



( ซ้ำ )

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